Know Your Nucks – Zephyr LaPlante

Name: Zephyr LaPlante
Nickname: Planter
Favourite NHL Team: Calgary Flames/Colorado Avalanche
Favourite Player: Dillon Dube
Favourite Subject in School: Biology
Celebrity Crush: Anne Hathaway
Favourite Food: Pancakes
Favourite Movie or TV Show: Yellowstone
Favourite Song: When your lips are so close – Gord Bamford

Describe your game in three words:
Hardworking, dump and change

What are your hockey/education goals?
Play Division I in the States

What accomplishments are you most proud of?
Hardest Working Player Award

Who is/are the most influential person/people in your life?
Both of my Grandpas

What actor would play you in a movie about your life?
Sylvester Stallone

If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
Killer Whale

Who is the teammates that (is):
Most likely to join the circus? Sam Callahan
Most likely to become a celebrity? Me
Most likely to win Jeopardy? Ty Hipkin
Most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Jordan MacPherson
Least likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Matt Corbet
Knows the most about you?  Spencer Borsos

Photo by Billie Barrett