Photo By: Dave Watling
Name: Curtis Watling
Nickname: Curt, Curty, Dirty Curty (Thanks Josh Giacomin)
Favourite NHL Team: San Jose Sharks
Favourite Hockey Player: Joe Thorton
Favourite TV Show/Movie: Transformers
Dream Job: Dressing Room Assistant NHL (no seriously)
Favourite Subject in School: Sociology
Celebrity Crush: Ariana Grande
Education/Hockey Goals: To work in a pro team
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Who is/are the most influential people in your life? Why? My Parents because they are always there for me.
Nickname: Curt, Curty, Dirty Curty (Thanks Josh Giacomin)
Favourite NHL Team: San Jose Sharks
Favourite Hockey Player: Joe Thorton
Favourite TV Show/Movie: Transformers
Dream Job: Dressing Room Assistant NHL (no seriously)
Favourite Subject in School: Sociology
Celebrity Crush: Ariana Grande
Education/Hockey Goals: To work in a pro team
Favourite Holiday: Christmas
Who is/are the most influential people in your life? Why? My Parents because they are always there for me.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Chicken nuggets and plum sauce
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To be able to skate and play hockey
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? The Rock
Who would you cast to play you in a movie? Dwayne Johnson
If you could live in a fictional world where would you live? Cyberton (Transformers planet)
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? The Rock
Who would you cast to play you in a movie? Dwayne Johnson
If you could live in a fictional world where would you live? Cyberton (Transformers planet)
Name an animal that best describes you? Wolf
Choose one:
Sweet or Salty – Sweet
Chocolate or Vanilla – Chocolate
Morning or Night – Night
Cake or Pie – Cake
Dog or Cat – Dog
Moustache or Beard – Beard
Beach or Mountains – Beach
Coke or Pepsi – Coke
Summer or Winter – Summer
Ninjas or Pirates – Ninjas
Breakfast or Dinner – Dinner
Comedy or Drama – Comedy
Green or Blue – Blue
Chocolate or Vanilla – Chocolate
Morning or Night – Night
Cake or Pie – Cake
Dog or Cat – Dog
Moustache or Beard – Beard
Beach or Mountains – Beach
Coke or Pepsi – Coke
Summer or Winter – Summer
Ninjas or Pirates – Ninjas
Breakfast or Dinner – Dinner
Comedy or Drama – Comedy
Green or Blue – Blue
Thoughts on your Canuck Players
Of the Canucks players who is the?
Funniest? Ryan Walz
Messiest? Justin Giacomin
Best Dressed? Blake Pilon
Worst Dressed? Alex Heal
Most likely to become Prime Minister? Nic Herringer
Most likely to star in their own reality show? Connor Bertamini
Most likely to become a international spy? Dylan Clark
Most likely to drop their phone in the toilet? Me