KNOW YOUR NUCKS – #21 Kyler Magus

Name: Kyler Magus,  #21
Position: Forward
Height:  5'11
Weight:  175
Hometown:  Calgary, Alberta
Shoots:  Left
Date of Birth:  December 2, 1996 (20 years)
Nickname: Mags
Favourite NHL Team: Calgary Flames
Favourite Hockey Player: Brent Burns
Favourite Song: Hotel California
Favourite Food: Perogies
Favourite Movie: Borat
Favourite Subject in School: Chemistry
Celebrity Crush: Blake Lively
Best Hockey Memory: Winning Midget hockey tournament in Winnipeg
Educational/Hockey Goals: To play college hockey
When you were younger what did you want to be other than a hockey player? Stay at home Dad
Who is the most influential person/people in your life? Why? Parents, I look up to both of them and strive to be like them.
Who is the teammate that is the…
Parker Ward
Messiest? Mark Drohan
Best Dressed? Jordan McConnell
Worst Dressed? Logan Drackett
If you could be any teammate for a week who would you be and why? Allan MacPherson, so I could have massive arms.