2025 Centennial Cup - May 8-18, 2025 Weekend & Evening Ticket Packages

Know Your Nucks – #25 Zach Webb

Name: Zach Webb, #25
Position: Forward
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160
Hometown: St. Albert, AB
Date of Birth: September 25, 1998 (19 years)

Nickname: Webber
Favourite NHL Team: Edmonton Oilers
Favourite Hockey Player: Matt Duchene
Favourite Food: Wings
Favourite Subject in School: Math

Educational/Hockey Goals: College Hockey
Who is/are the most influential person/people in your life? Why? My grandma. She always cares about me and what I do in life.
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world alive or dead who would it be? G-Eazy
If you were stranded on an island, which teammate would you want to have with you and  why? Anyone but Michael Johnson, would be a struggle with him.

Who is the teammate that is the…
Zach Russell
Messiest?  Jason Hanna
Best Dressed?  Jordan McConnell
Worst Dressed? Max Struss/Jason Hanna